Parsons Livestock LLC Auction
Image of a website banner for an auction conducted by Parsons Livestock LLC.

Market Report 9-22-21

Market Prices Report for 9-22-21

Headcount = 950

Type Weight
Choice Cows 70-80
Canner-Cutter 61-69
Shelly Cows 59↓
Bred Cows Up to $1150
Pairs Up to $1450
Choice Bulls 92-103.50
Lower Grade 90↓
Steers up to 400# 160-185
Steers 400-500# 145-168.50
Steers 500-600# 130-172
Steers 600-700# 128-157.50
Steers 700-800# 120-155.50
Steers 800# & Over 115-147.10
Heifers up to 400# 140-178
Heifers 400-500# 126-148
Heifers 500-600# 133-150
Heifers 600-700# 125-149
Heifers 700-800# 118-142
Heifers 800# & Over 115-135